Monday, November 7, 2011

artist: Diego Cardoso

Currently, the Homegirl art gallery is featuring artist Diego Cardoso. His art show opening will be on November 10th at 6:00 pm and his artwork will be featured in the cafe from November 2011 until February 2012.
"I paint the city, its urban life, streets, and buildings. I am an urban planner and planning commissioner. I plan transportation systems. I am passionate about building a livable city. A livable city is a city that is built at a human scale. Humans build cities. The cities we build transform us. My artwork is strongly influenced by the photography I have done most of my life. It is also influenced by Edward Hooper's painting of urban landscapes, Van Gogh's color and texture, and Georgia O'Keefe's integration of nature and urban landscapes.In this new exhibit I depict several panoramic views of greater downtown Los Angeles and beyong, freeway scenes, street happenings. They combine contemporary real views of Los Angeles with color renderings and representations that I call 'magical realism.' I am inspired by writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez whose writings depict reality in a very magical impressionist discourse."